Episode 25: Midtown Needs Space!
The theme of this show is… “Midtown Needs Space.” I like to call it our Space Show 2.0, because as the O.G. Midtowners know, this isn’t our first space rodeo. Anyway, this time we aren’t venturing into outer space, but we are trying to do something equally as daunting…which is finding space in our calendars. Join us as we explore the ways we can slow down our lives and relax a little, all while delving into the psyche of ostriches on the run, making up songs with our guest who is a filmmaker and best good friend, Andrew Kightlinger, listening to Wade try to tell a story, and enjoying a poem just for the littles in the audience. All of this was performed and recorded on a beautiful night in September at the McKennan Park Bandshell and sponsored by a mystery donation! Enjoy!